
SharpSpring, a Constant Contact subsidiary, collaborated with 42 Agency to boost its demand generation efforts, backed by a skilled internal team.



Paid Search

Paid Social




The challenge involved scaling demand generation efficiently, increasing spend while improving the cost-effectiveness of lead generation and qualification.


42 Agency undertook a thorough audit of SharpSpring's marketing initiatives, enhanced creative strategies, improved targeting, and executed effective remarketing and prospecting campaigns. They also employed sophisticated Marketing Mix Models for media mix and spending optimization, and overhauled the brand strategy for paid media.


Services Provided:

  • Reporting: Insightful analytics and performance tracking.
  • Paid Search: Strategic management and optimization of search campaigns.
  • Paid Social: Targeted social media advertising.
  • Creative: Overhaul of creative direction and production.

Key Achievements:

  • Cost per MQL and SQL: Reduced by 45%
  • Funnel Conversion Rate: Increased by 34%


  • Scaling Demand Generation: The primary challenge was to scale demand generation effectively, increasing media spend while enhancing the cost-efficiency of lead generation and qualification processes.

Strategic Approach:

  • Marketing Audit: Conducted a comprehensive audit of SharpSpring’s existing marketing strategies.
  • Creative Revamp: Implemented new art direction, conducted competitor analysis, and engaged in creative experimentation to improve high-conversion copywriting.
  • Sophisticated Modelling: Employed advanced Marketing Mix Models for optimizing media mix and spending.

Creative Initiatives:

  • Art Direction and Production: Introduced fresh creative concepts and high-quality production standards to elevate brand visibility and engagement.
  • Competitor Insights and Experiments: Analyzed competitors to identify gaps and opportunities, testing various creative approaches to determine the most effective ones.

Paid Search Initiatives:

  • Campaign Optimization: Optimized existing campaigns and developed new ones to surpass monthly targets using strategies such as:some text
    • Single Keyword Ad Groups for high-quality conversions.
    • Strategic reduction of broad-match keywords.
    • Target Cost and Max Conversion bidding for balanced profitability.
    • Weekly search term reviews to refine and improve targeting.
    • Bid adjustments by region and device, and day-parting to minimize wasted spend.
    • Enhanced competitor campaigns and improved ad copy.

Paid Social Strategies:

  • LinkedIn Campaigns: Utilized revamped creatives to enhance awareness and engagement through video clips and content promotion. Focused on driving qualified leads from agency partners and mid-market software & B2B companies.
  • Facebook Strategies: Adjusted strategies by reducing brand awareness spend after evaluating its impact. Successfully drove qualified trials and demos using lookalike and combined first and third-party audiences.

Advanced Analytical Insights:

  • Marketing Mix Optimization: Leveraged holistic models to analyze beyond first and last touch attribution, identifying:some text
    • Overallocation on LinkedIn with adjustments made accordingly.
    • Minimal impact of Facebook brand awareness campaigns on MQL/SQL generation, leading to a strategic budget reallocation.
    • Identification of optimal spend points for incremental conversions.


  • Media Spend Efficiency: Monthly media spend was effectively tripled from $200K to $600K.
  • Reduction in Acquisition Costs: MQL cost was cut by 53%, and SQL cost was reduced by 61%.
  • Improvement in Conversion Rates: Funnel conversion rates improved significantly from 19% to 29%.


The partnership between SharpSpring and 42 Agency delivered substantial improvements in demand generation efficiency and effectiveness, showcasing the power of strategic paid media management and creative innovation in driving business growth.

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